Winter Solstice Sound Activation
Embracing the Light
Tuesday December 21, 2022
Dearest friends and family,
I am so excited and honored to offer this very special event! As some of you may know, I just returned from “a trip of a lifetime” to the ancient Temples and Pyramids of Egypt. There were many lessons, downloads and activations that occurred along the way. My intention is to share some of these with all of you!
Winter Solstice is a perfect time to change the trajectory of your life! To step out of your normal reality and into the quantum realm of creation! You become the map maker, drawing upon your inner compass to find or build your own path forward. You step into the unknown, the void, where all possibilities live but are not born ... yet! This Winter Solstice offers you a chance to stand strong in the depth of your own darkness and pivot towards the ever- increasing light! Whether you have something in mind such a dream, prayer or intention that you would like to cultivate, does not matter. We are working in the quantum realm and a jump can occur simply from holding all possibilities known or unknown loosely, with no preconceptions, as we head toward the light.
I look forward sharing this very special sound activation with all of you!
Please bring your own nesting material, such as yoga pad, blankets, pillows etc.
Alisa's Dance Academy
3267 Bee Cave Rd. #139 Austin, Tx 78746(2 doors to the right)
Tickets are $30 each. Preferred payment thru Venmo