Kambo is a secretion from the Amazonian Tree Frog. The serum this frog produces has been used for thousands of years in the amazon as a way to ward off sickness. Tribes of the Amazon often refer to Kambo as "Hunting Magic" as it strengthens the physical body as well as the mind. Tribe members do a Kambo ceremony before they head out on epic hunting journeys, because Kambo brings energy & stamina to the body and sharpens the senses.
The Benefits of Kambo Peptides are: Immune Boosting, Increased Stamina, Physical Strength and Energy, Lowering stress and anxiety, Giving pause of depression and severe PTSD, Hormonal Balancing, Lymphatic & Intestinal Clearing, Bowel Clearing, Digestion Support, Lowers Blood Pressure, Reduces Inflammation, Reduction in size of swollen Lymph nodes, Pain Relief, Better/ Deeper Sleep, Greater Sensory Perception, Evacuating Parasites, Fungus, Candida and other Detrimental Microorganisms
To register for the ceremony click here.
For more information about this ceremony click here.
To learn how to prepare for Kambo Ceremony click here.
To learn more about Kambo click here.